Contrary to a lot of reports, striper fishing is really a hit or miss type of deal. I think it should be better. The number of schoolies has declined in recent weeks as they always do around this time. Keepers are no sure bet and will take a lot of effort to find them from boat or shore. I was out earlier in the week in the Bay and could only find a few blues. There seems to be a few blues around in a number of locations but no big numbers. I kept moving around and I found decent numbers of schoolies from shore the last two evenings. Last night I landed 16 schoolies on bucktail jigs from a Bay location. However, I will tell you that I know a lot of good fishermen who are blanking and complaining about the sudden lack of fish. Boaters in the Bay could find a school of pogies that might have big fish under them, but weather will not be in their favor this weekend. I suspect the weather will also put a damper on fishing along the oceanfront. You have a better shot at catching a keeper there if you fish at night or in the early morning or evening.
Finally, freshwater is also a terrific bet right now. My son, Jon, and I got out largemouth bass fishing this week at a local pond and we landed good numbers of them on plastic worms. I have also been out carp fishing a lot in the last two weeks and have gotten phenomenal numbers of large fish. I had two fish in the thirties (pounds!) and 10 fish in the 20's. I also had countless fish in the teens. If you are interested in how this non-traditional fishing is done, check out my carp fishing blog at