We're heading into the home stretch. There's about one good month of striper fishing left along the oceanfront and after that, it's a crap shoot. Here's my line-up for the best artificials to use in the coming month to catch stripers here in RI.
1. Some type of small jig. I like a plastic Cocahoe minnow in white threaded onto a small (1/4 to 1/2 oz.) jighead when fish are on small bait. I also like flathead bucktail jigs with curly tails when there is a mix of bass and blues. You can use these jigs alone or off a wooden float. Great for schoolies in the daytime.
2. Needlefish plug. I've gotten away from poppers and use the needlefish much more these days, especially in rough water or with a wind in my face. Works well in daytime and at night.
3. Skinny plastic. It doesn't matter whether you use Hogys or Slug Gos. Both work well. I like a black color after dark and I like to use the new swimbait hooks. I don't weight my skinny plastic as weighting takes away from the movement. Best with a wind at your back.
4. Plastic swimmers. I like the Bombers in a six inch length. Light colors or black back models work well. Good at night in skinny water.
5. Big bucktail jigs with pork rind. This is my go to lure in deep, moving water such as you'd find in some of the breachways. The fish are on the bottom in day or night and a big buck of 1-2 oz. will get you there.
That's it. No need to stock a ton of artificials. A few others to consider include metal (Kastmasters), poppers, Storm shads and large wooden surface swimmers.