Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Massive Waves Batter Coast; Great Striper Fishing in White Water

 Yes, I did fish today in this nasty northeaster. Huge waves were battering the coast along with strong winds and rain. The waves were as bad as any hurricane waves I've ever seen.  Check out the video below of the East Wall.

I almost drove home, but I figured I was down the oceanfront so why not try fishing.  I found a location where I was somewhat sheltered from the wind but the place still had a lot of white water. On the very first cast I had a schoolie so I knew it was going to be good.  I landed schoolie after schoolie on my float and bucktail jig as the fish were in close, thick in the white water.  These were on the smaller side, running 20 to 22 inches. Some were puking up small bay anchovies though I saw nothing breaking.  Birds were diving about two casts away from shore so I knew there was bait in the area.

The roughness of the next day or so is sure to move fish. I'm hoping that we don't see sandy or dirty water once this storm moves on.  It could put a crimp in the good fishing that was just getting into gear prior to the storm.