Monday, June 7, 2021

Weather Heats up, Fishing Cools Down

Big blues, so numerous for weeks,
seem to be slowing and moving on.
Striper fishing is also taking a hit in
the Bay in this warm weather

 For the first time this year, the water in parts of Narragansett Bay climbed up into the low 70's. On a NOAA site, I saw a reading of 71 degrees today at Conimicut.  We knew this was coming with the current heat wave we are experiencing. And, I expect those water temps to climb even more in the coming days. It wouldn't surprise me if we see mid 70's by Wednesday.

Every year about this time, the fishing in the Bay seems to go downhill with the warming waters. Larger bass will start to depart the Bay, and the better bets for striper fishing will be in the cooler and deeper water of the lower Bay and along the oceanfront. Cooler nights will also be more productive.

I even have seen a decrease in the number of bluefish in the last couple of days. The blues seem to be less numerous, and they have been smaller in the places I have been fishing. Even the blues will leave water that gets too warm for their liking.

In the next couple of weeks, my saltwater shore fishing will change dramatically.  It's getting near to that time where I will load the bike onto the truck, break out the heavy gear and head north rather than south.