Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Scoring in the Rough Water

I found good numbers of stripers yesterday evening
in some white water. This one was taken on a large
bucktail jig with a pink jig strip added.

 I feel like the fishing is perking up slightly. I've been seeing some micro bait here and there especially in the backwaters in the last week.  I even found some fish breaking a couple of nights back. 

Yesterday, I went out to fish some rough white water along the oceanfront.  The oceanfront has calmed down considerably since those hurricane waves of two days ago, and you can easily fish most spots, though there was still a small roll coming in.  The water was also very clean in the two places I fished and free of sand and weed

I landed good numbers of fish while casting into areas that had the most white water and turbulence. I got most of my fish on the float and jig, a good bet to fish in these conditions where a long cast might be needed.  I also had one fish on a big jig with a pink jig strip. I saw no birds working or bait in these places.

All the fish this evening were small, averaging 18 to 22 inches. I haven't seen many of these smaller fish around this year, so it was a bit of a surprise.