Friday, September 28, 2012

A Rough and Tough Day

Today was a very stormy day along the oceanfront, a day that was marginal for fishing.   By late in the day, a driving rain, high winds, and a big charged up surf were battering the shoreline, making fishing near impossible.  However, my son, Ben, and I toughed it out and worked the very turbulent white water along the rocky shores of  'Gansett.  We saw no big numbers of fish, no birds working and no concentrations of bait, but we did manage to catch some fish.  We landed a total of 8 schoolies and Ben also got a false albacore.  They were all caught on a float and Cocahoe, a good choice to use in tight to the shore in rough, white water. I had planned to fish after dark, but worsening conditions and lots of weed in the water proved to be just too much so I called it quits.