Our fabulous November fishing just keeps rolling along with no end in sight to the fantastic fishing. I went down to the RI south shore today, and it was similar going to yesterday with lots of fish, though smaller overall. Today featured mostly schoolies in the 20-25 inch range along with bluefish in the 4-7 lb. range. I did see about a dozen keeper bass caught, though, along with several big blues. My friend, Gene, got the biggest bass I saw today (check out the pic) on a popper. Once again, these fish were on blueback herring as many of the hooked blues would spit them up almost whole. Just like yesterday, poppers were the hottest artificials with swimmers, Kastmasters and Cocahoes on jigheads catching a lot of fish too. In all, I ended the day with 20 blues and 17 stripers (2 keepers). It was real hot fishing for this time of year. You get so used to this that you come to expect this fantastic fishing every outing, and it has generally lived up to expectations this November. I've now concluded that this is the very best November I have ever fished!