Saturday, August 26, 2023

Rough Conditions Deliver Big Numbers of Stripers


This slot fish as well as most of 
my fish in the last two days fell
for a 2 oz. bucktail jig with a pink
Fat Cow jig strip attached.

The drought is over for me.  It's been a great two days/nights of striper fishing here  in RI. I fished multiple spots and found fish in all of them. I caught in the daylight and after dark. The common thread  in all the places I fished was that the surf was kicked up, the wind was howling and the stripers were in an active, fall feeding mode.

I had really good numbers of slot fish as well as some over slot fish. I got them on a variety of lures- big bucktail jigs with fat cow jig strips (pink), large NLBN paddle tails and even a large metal Hopkins lure.  The bass were not fussy. I'm sure I could have caught with swimmers and poppers but I wanted to avoid the treble hooks for my safety and the fishes' safety.

It is interesting to note that I saw little bait and no bird activity.  The fish were just there in big numbers poking around the white water.

Hopefully, this is the start of sustained, consistent fall run.