This warm weather of the last three weeks has wreaked havoc on the slopes, but it has set off some of the best freshwater carp fishing I have ever experienced at this time of year. As most of you know, I fish for these freshwater monsters a lot, though not as much as stripers. With holdover striper fishing in a big time decline in recent years in the upper Bay here in RI, I have turned to carp in the wintertime. I caught a few in January, a lot in February and terrific numbers for the start of March (see photos of recent fish). During this winter storm Riley of the last few days, the carp fishing has been lights out. Carp, like stripers, love to go on a feeding rampage in lousy weather. Don't most wild fish?
So, carp fishing has really filled a fishing void for me while I await the arrival of the first stripers. It won't be long.